Sunday, July 12, 2009

Someone needs to design plus size clothes

Recently I watched "Sunday Morning" and saw a segment about J.Crew. This used to be, many years ago, one of my favorite stores. I decided to go to their website hoping they may now have some plus size clothing but as is the case with most of my favorite retailers, none in my size. They do have size 16, but I am much larger than that unfortunately. The choices for me are limited. J.Jill does offer many styles in larger sizes but not as many as I would like. If anyone knows of retailers that have the same simple cotton type clothes that are stylish in the J.Crew or J. Jill style, please let me know. I really like Norma Kamali, too. ( I know she has a line at Walmart but they aren't for big girls either)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Recently I saw PUBLIC ENEMIES and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the film. Johnny Depp delivered a great performance as usual but he was able to display more dimension to Dillinger than I would have thought possible. The production has a stellar cast of actors and the direction seemed equally excellent.
Another film that didn't disappoint recently was THE KITE RUNNER. I was not anticipating such a wonderful story nor did I anticipate it keeping my interest. I was thrilled when I learned that my preconceived notions were wrong. This is a truly great story and is one that I think should be viewed by everyone. It has so many different lessons to teach us.
Today I venture into the public pool near my house. I need a dose of courage since I am a big girl and not one to usually allow anyone to see my huge body in a suit. I see this as a major challenge and one that I can't pass up. Hopefully, it will be a good decision.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Help for those trying to paint over wallpaper

I wish someone had shared this with me when I was fixing up my 1st house, so here is some helpful info if you don't want to remove the wallpaper:
1. use an OIL based primer and paint to change its look.
2. REmove the wallpaper ONLY if you know that it was put on correctly and will not harm the drywall underneath, otherwise, get some oil based paints!
3. IF you choose to ignore this advice, let me share my experience with you, I painted with water based and it activated the glue or something and caused the wallpaper layers to bubble! I freaked out since removing this paper in my house had already caused damage to drywall in another room so then I cried for awhile and then just went with it. Needless to say, it looked terrible and probably made me have to take thousands off the asking price.